
The club is run by a committee of volunteers, elected by our members each year at the AGM.

You can find details of the committee positions and current members below.

2023/24 Committee

Honorary Positions

Club President                                  Tim Butler
Vice President                                   Steve Grimwood
                                                          Joyce Neville
                                                          Mick Hearn

Managed Positions

Chairman                                         Tracy McKenzie
Vice Chairman                                 Lucy Stark/Will Taylor
Treasurer                                         Paul Rippon
Accounts Examiner                         Sarah Bowles
Club Secretary                                Mark Salter
Membership Secretary                   Anne Betts and Charles Mildred
Welfare Officer – Female                Anne Betts
Welfare Officer – Male                    Kevin Stark

Social Rides Secretary                    Hilary Bond
Social and Trophy Committee        Tracy McKenzie/Lucy Stark
Media Secretary                              Mark Salter/Sue Chittock
Coaching Secretary                         Vacant
Clothing Coordinators                    Kevin Stark/Mark Salter

General Positions

Road Race and Track                     Charles Mildred
Time Trial Secretary                       Jon Carlyon
Mountain Bike Secretary               Steve Grimwood
Cyclo Cross Secretary                     Steve Grimwood
Youth Representative                     Vacant
Members Representative               Josephine Rosier

Procedural Clarification not covered formally in the club rules:–

Honary positions are appointed by the Committee not ‘Elected’ on the night. Proposals can be made to the committee in advance to change or add persons to these positions but would first require the approval of the committee.

Some roles require particular Skills and there is a duty for the committee to ensure applicants hold the capability to perform any such duties. It would be normal to ask that nominations for these positions be made in advance so details of applicants can be inspected & distributed prior to the meeting.

General roles may receive nominations from the floor. Subject to the nominee being present, willingly volunteering, and receiving a Proposer and Seconder.