CC Sudbury Open Hill Climb – Entry now open

The Cycle Club Sudbury Open Hill Climb, incorporating the EDCA Championship, is to be held on Sunday 14 October, first rider off at 11.01am. This event is held on the BHC/1 course, at Watson’s Hill Semer, on a closed road. 

HQ Semer Village Hall, on the B1115 Hadleigh/Bildeston road. 

If you’ve attended before, you’ll know this is a great event to ride, and also to watch; refreshments available at the HQ before and after the event, and also not far from Hollowtrees and Corn Craft cafes.

Entries via the CTT website; closing date Tuesday 2 October. 

IBC Re-scheduled Spring Scramble Sunday 22nd July

Ipswich Bicycle Club is pleased to be holding its delayed Spring Scramble on the 22nd July, on the Butley circuit. Moving course for logistical reasons, the route is shorter and much flatter than the Gosbeck circuit which we have used for many years. The cold weather in March forced us to reschedule both races to the next available date in the Eastern Road Race League calendar. There will be the Men’s 3/4 in the morning, and after lunch a Women’s 2/3/4.

The Members of Ipswich Bicycle Club have pulled together to produce an excellent day of racing. Together with British Cycling commissaires, the National Escort Group, and local Accredited Marshals.

A small number of Entry on the Line is available for the Men, and with slightly more for the Women. With temperatures expected to hit 24C on Sunday afternoon, and remaining dry all day. EOL is £25.



Entry & Details Online here

Course map and GPX files here

IBC Road Race – request for volunteer help

Road race organiser Will Taylor says thank you to all those that have already pledged help to assist at the re-scheduled IBC Road Race set for Sunday 22nd July 2018.

He could do with a few more volunteers even if it means only spending an hour as this gives people already working a break to watch the racing or rest up. All jobs are required, catering help with food prep, tea & coffee making etc, marshall assistance and following the race in cars.

Also if you just want to come up and watch then bring a chair and set yourself up somewhere around the course to watch as the riders are likely to go round for at least 8 laps so plenty to see and photo opportunities.

IBC Ladies Ride Sat 30th June

On 30 June, alongside the regular Saturday Social Ride, Debs will be leading a Ladies Ride to Snape Maltings Granary Cafe. The ride will be about 30-40 miles at 13-15mph average.
Meet at Northgate Sports Centre, Ipswich at 8.45am – rollout will be at 8.55am. The ride should get back to Northgate by about 1pm/1.30pm.
If the weather looks like it could be hot, bring suncream and plenty of fluid, as well as at least one spare inner tube.

Club Social Night and Ride Thursday 7th June

This coming Thursday 7th June is our monthly social evening at Greshams from 7.30pm. We plan to run an evening club ride, pre- social, which will set off at 6.30pm from the church hall car park at St Augustine’s roundabout. Please arrive at least 10minutes before to organise suitable groups as per SSR- ALL welcome. The ride will likely be around 20-25miles and end up at Greshams.

As well as a pre-social ride, Steve Grimwood has kindly agreed to do a session on group riding skills with basic bike maintenance. Matt Rude Kerr will also be sending some club kit samples to try.

Look forward to seeing you all there.

IBC Ladies Ride Saturday 26th May

IBC will be running a Ladies Ride  to The Meare Tearooms, Thorpeness this Saturday, 26 May. The ride will be about 50-60 miles at 13-15mph average.
Meet at Northgate Sports Centre, Ipswich at 8.45am – we’ll set off at 8.55am.
It’s a long ride so allow plenty of time (approx. 5 hours or so). 
Weather looks like it could be hot so bring suncream and plenty of fluid, as well as at least one spare inner tube.

Ladies Social Ride on Saturday 28th April


If you fancy coming along to the first IBC Ladies Ride of 2018, get togged up in your cycling gear, make sure your road (racing) bike is in good order and head over to Northgate Sports Centre, Ipswich on Saturday 28 April. We’d love to see you.

Anne and Debs will be taking a ride to Mr Allard’s Farm Café, Stowupland. The ride will be 30-40 miles long, average speed 13-15mph. It will probably take about 3-4 hours.

Be sure to bring a pump, spare inner tube, tyre levers and puncture repair kit (fingers crossed that they won’t be needed) and money for cake/coffee.

Do come along if you can make it. You’ll need to be at Northgate in time for 8.45am so we can set off at 9am. 

New Rules for Saturday Social Rides

Following a recent committee meeting where Nigel Bunton has stepped down from the Social Ride Secretary position and Scott Amass & Joe Spaulding have jointly taken on that post, the complete club rules regarding social rides have been re-visited and reviewed in order to ensure that they are fit for purpose. There have been some small additions which will be published in due course but in the main the new secretaries will be ensuring that the club rules regarding the social rides will be adhered to with no exceptions.

To that extent starting from Saturday 21st April it will be a requirement for all members wanting to ride to bring and carry at all times their club membership card for 2018. This card should be completed with name and importantly emergency contact details so that in the event of any incident first responders are able to find out the name of the persons next of kin with contact details. This is a simpler way of people having emergency contact details available on a ride without the need for ride leaders to carry a sheet containing sensitive personal data on all club members. If a member turns up with no membership card then they will not be allowed to take part in the ride. Make a point of keeping your card with your money or cards you bring to buy coffee and cake then it will always be available.

Scott will ask all riders to be honest with themselves on the day when selecting a red or blue group. We all have off days and this will ensure the groups ride enjoyment. Scott will try to ensure that all groups (blue, red, black) have a recognised lead rider(s) containing no more than 10 people in total in order to ensure safety of the group whilst out on the road. It is always possible to change groups at the Cafe stop in order to come back slower or faster. The once a month green ride will be limited to 8 people. To this extent we would like all social riders to arrive by latest 08:45 so that the groups can be organised in readiness for a prompt 9:00 departure in order of group speeds.

All non-members or those that are guesting with the club and taking advantage of the 6 free rides before having to sign up must complete a temporary membership card which will contain emergency contact details and record the number of rides that person partakes in. Lapsed or previous members that have yet to renew are not allowed to partake in the 6 free rides scheme and will not be allowed to ride unless they pay a day membership fee of £1 and complete a temporary card with details. They will be expected to join as a member if they want to ride on a regular basis.